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Going Green at Home: Use Inexpensive, Homemade Cleaners to Keep Your Home Green Clean

If you are looking to be a little more green and eco-friendly while helping your budget stretch a little further, then you should try these simple cleaner recipes that cost just pennies on the dollar. You can feel good about saving money as well as not filling your home with harsh chemicals. A few basic ingredients will get you started.

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  • lemons
  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • olive oil

These ingredients plus a little elbow grease will get your home looking and smelling clean in no time.

No-Scratch Cleanser

The amount of cleanser you need to make will depend on the size of the job you have. Use this cleanser to scrub sinks, tubs, showers, counters, etc. You can mix a large amount and keep for later use. Adjust the amounts accordingly.

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 2 think slices lemon peel*
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice

Mix the ingredients well (except lemon peel). Sprinkle on soiled area to be cleaned. Using a damp cotton cleaning cloth or sponge, scrub entire area. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat if needed. The lemon gives a fresh scent while it helps cut grease. The baking soda scrubs away soil and dirt. *If you have made a large amount of cleanser to use later, you may add two slices of lemon peel to add more lemon fragrance. Store in an air-tight container.

Carpet Freshner

Add two tablespoons of baking soda (or your No-Scratch Cleanser) to your vacuum cleaner bag or cannister. Vacuum as usual for fresh smelling carpets. If your carpets are especially dirty, sprinkle directly onto the floor and allow to sit for about 30 minutes. Vacuum.

Window and Mirror Cleaner

In a spray bottle, mix 1/2 cup warm water with 1/2 vinegar. Spray on surface to be cleaned and wipe dry with lent-free cloth or toweling. Use to clean windows, mirrors, oven fronts, stainless sinks, faucets, etc.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Sprinkle about 1/4 cup of the No-Scratch Cleanser into the bowl and let sit for 30 minutes or so. Scrub with toilet brush.

Basic Furniture Polish

Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 1/2 cup of olive oil. Put a small amount of the solution on a soft cloth and gently wipe down furniture.

Using these homemade cleansers will give your home a fresh, clean smell. If you would like a change of fragrance, you can substitute lavender, orange or eucalyptus essential oil for the lemon in the No-Scratch Cleanser, Carpet Freshner or the Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Essential oils are more concentrated than the fresh lemon, so be careful not to get them directly on your skin. Roll up your sleeves and have fun cleaning green!

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